Friday, January 13, 2006

My Shameful Past

Thanks to Jennie for coming up with Confession Friday, I’ve been trying to think of a new post and this gives me something :)

When I was a child of about 4 or 5 years, I was a bully. That’s right a bully. My target: my older brother. Yep, I managed to bully someone almost 4 years older than I. When I say bully, I don’t mean I stole his lunch money or anything, but when we argued, I’d say the thing that I KNEW would upset him most (I also have a bit of a temper) and sometimes I’d just taunt him about anything to make him mad. Here’s what I mean:

My mom says that on a number of occasions, we would be arguing, and outta nowhere I’d say, “Well, YOU can’t walk,” to which he’d reply, “UHHH, neither can you,” but I’d end the argument with “I can so, with crutches.” Though that always ended the argument, it didn’t upset him as much as my next tactic. It seems I had a doll that didn’t have any clothes and was bald and tattered looking, and I’d pull that doll out at random times (not caring who was around) and say, “Timmy, I have a baby that looks JUST like you.” Man, he hated that. It always made him so mad he’d literally cry.

One day, when I was about 5 or 6, my dad came home from work with this tiny, rubber, bald, bottle-sucking doll. He had it in his shirt pocket, and I remember him pulling it out and saying, “Dana, I have a baby that looks just like you.” I was devastated. I don’t know how long I cried, but I’ll never forget that. I think it hurt worse coming from my dad, but there couldn’t have been a better person to teach me a lesson, and I never taunted my brother that way again.

Looking back, I can’t believe I was such a brat. Whew! Aren’t we glad to grow up!


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