Sunday, June 19, 2005

Wide Open

Those of you who know me well know what an emotional person I am, but believe it or not, I used to be even more so. I remember when I was a kid always making cards for people, even my older brothers who were mortified, telling them how much I loved them; sometimes even in the form of a rhyme. Funny when we're young we have no inhibitions about loving wide open.

Like many people I find myself becoming a little embarassed when I try to tell someone how much they mean to me, or when someone tells me the same, but I just think the alternative, to miss the chance to tell someone how important they are to you is so much worse.

It is to that end that I am writing this post. I was recently priviledged to go on a trip to Memphis with Wendy, Jennie, Melissa, and my Mom and one of her friends. In itself, a trip to Memphis is barely significant, but spending 3 days with these people was monumental to me. I seriously cannot say how much this trip, this time with these 5 women meant to me. Wendy, Jennie, and Melissa thank you. It was just Memphis, I know, but it was also about the freedom and possibility to travel places that I had almost given up on. I love you all for making it happen.


At 7:55 PM, Blogger danarv said...

Thank you Jennie. You are a sweetie for saying all of that. You know I feel just lucky to know you, and Wendy, and you all give me hope for a great deal more than just travel.

At 8:48 PM, Blogger wiebke said...

Oh Dana,
I almost don't know what to say. I sit here (at home b/c we finally got the internet) tearing up as I read your post. I, too, feel like Jennie in that I feel like I take a lot for granted everyday. You have opened my eyes to things I would have never seen otherwise. You inspire me often. I am thankful that we were able to take the trip together. I, too, hope that this was just the first of many adventures. You are a true and dear friend. I love you.


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