Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I've been tagged!

Thanks Jennie :) I still intend to do the gift list too, I just haven’t had a chance yet. I’m halfway there though.

10 years ago: I had been working at Leisure Arts 2 years. I doubt if I had become disenchanted with it yet, but surely I was on my way! I was 25! Whew! I feel so old sometimes.

5 years ago: I remember that year mostly because I had been VERY ill that winter (spent 10 days in the hospital over Christmas.) I probably spent most of the spring recovering… I remember that I had had to take so many steroids while I was sick that I developed “steroidal acne” and it was just awful because it took 6 months to go away. I had always been lucky with the zits ‘til then.

1 year ago: I was in 11th year at Leisure Arts and I know for certain that I had become disenchanted by then. I also joined a Bunco group that year and it has been SO much fun!

Yesterday: I had a bad day yesterday. I started out with the intention of helping someone, and it turned out that my eagerness to help came across as being pushy, and not helpful at all. Sometimes I know I try too hard to be a good friend, but it really is important to me.

Today: I had a good day. I went to work as usual, but when I came home, Gracie was waiting for me, and she can definitely make me forget everything. She is such a sweet baby. Now I’m working on a Make-A-Wish stuff, and that always makes me feel proud.

Tomorrow: I will finish the MAW work, and go to my real job. Just another day.

5 snacks I enjoy: Peanut Butter M&Ms, Reeses PBC, Ice cream, KC Masterpiece flavored Lays, Cheese

5 bands whose songs I know most of the lyrics to: this one is a little embarrassing because I know words to these band’s lyrics mainly because they are what my brother listened to over and over again as I was growing up: REO Speedwagon, Journey, Bon Jovi. My own likes are Natalie Merchant and Elton John.

5 things I would do with $100,000,000: Buy my parents a house, send my brother on a trip to see the Indian reservations, buy myself a car I could drive, hire a handsome driver in case I couldn’t, create a trust for my nephews and niece.

5 locations I'd like to run away to: New York, Greece, Italy, Spain, Hawaii

5 bad habits I have: being impatient, worrying too much, being too emotional, being disorganized, taking life too seriously

5 things I like doing: Being with my friends, reading, painting, blowing bubbles with Scott, sleeping (I’m really tired right now).

5 things I would never wear: Thongs (the underwear, not the shoes), a bikini, a halter top, double knit polyester like from the 70’s, false eyelashes

5 TV shows I like: The Real World, Blowout, Friends, Lance Chronicles, Lost

5 movies I like: The Wizard of Oz, Theory of Flight, Love Actually, Beauty and the Beast, Knotting Hill

5 famous people I'd like to meet: Oprah, Lance Armstrong, Peter Jennings (I’m so sorry he’s sick), Matt Damon, Natalie Merchant

5 biggest joys at the moment: Scott and Gracie, My friends (you know who you are), sitting on the deck in the evening and morning, Bunco, homemade icecream

5 favorite toys: my new headphones, computer, camera, new art desk, art supplies

5 people to tag: I think Jennie tagged most of the people I know who blog, but I would ad my friend Di to the list.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger BaalShemTov said...

REO Speedwagon, Journey, Bon Jovi?


I love you anyway.

P.S. I kinda still like some, I do mean some, of Alanis Morisette myself. I hang my head in shame though


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