as the wheels turn
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Good job, Mrs. Anonymous
I mentioned in my 100 things about me that I have a pet peeve about people rushing on the elevator ahead of me, and now I'll tell a little story.
Whenever I go to Park Plaza to shop, I can expect that I will at some point be sitting and waiting for an elevator for minutes, only to have it arrive, and people who are perfectly capable of taking the stairs fill it up, leaving me to wait again. It happens especially frequently over Christmas, and this year seemed worse than ever. On one occasion I was waiting when a healthy-looking woman walked up with her healthy-looking son (at this point I might mention that by "healthy-looking" I mean they didn't look as if they had missed any meals, not that they looked all that healthy.) I heard the woman say to her son, "WE ARE NOT TAKING THE STAIRS" and sure enough, when the elevator arrived, they were the first 2 to pile on. I had HAD it and muttered, "EXCUSE YOU," and the conversation deteriorated.
After that, I made a vow to myself that I would keep my mouth shut no matter how frustrated I got, because voicing my opinion on these occasions could only really get me in trouble. So a couple of weeks ago, when I was waiting on the elevator, and a group of about 5 very big young men walked right past me and filled up the elevator, I was biting my tongue very hard (especially because these guys looked as if they might belong in a gang) and resigned myself to waiting on the next car.
It was at that moment that the most unexpected thing happened... after getting on the elevator and turning around, one of the guys saw me and said, "Dude, we need to get off and let her ride," and all of the young men marched right back off the elevator and let me ride.
I was pleasantly surprised, to say the least, and I told them thank you, that they were very nice, but I am still thinking about how these young men, who I had shamefully prejudged, showed me so much respect and consideration. At the time, I wished that I had known their mothers so I could tell them that they had raised their boys well, but since I don't know them, I will say it now, "Good job, Mrs. Anonymous."
Saturday, April 02, 2005
100 things about me. Whew!
I'm starting my blog with 100 things about me. Some of them are silly, and some are serious. I hope you enjoy reading them and getting to know me better. :)
1. I recently turned 35, but I don’t look more than 25. I used to hate looking so young but now I like it.
2. I don’t talk very much in crowds but I do like to be around people; I just prefer small groups.
3. I have Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2. I was first diagnosed with Type 1, but the diagnosis changed after I became older. My older brother Tim has it as well, and is a lot weaker than I physically. Mentally, well, I wish I could even compete.
4. I also have a half brother Rodney, and a half sister, Pam. Neither of them have SMA, nor do my 5 nephews and 1 niece.
5. I consider the day that Wendy Willets (now Bird) started working at Leisure Arts to be one of my luckiest days ever. Not only is she a great friend, and an inspiration in her giving nature and volunteerism, she introduced me to Jennie, Jason, J, Lori, Robert, and Kathy, all of whom have been so wonderful to include me in their lives.
6. When I was in grade school, disabled students were separated from the non-disabled students, and a class might consist of people who had very high IQ’s, but were physically handicapped, and people who were severely retarded. By the time I was in high school, mainstreaming had begun, but my parents wanted me to finish my education in “special education” because they were afraid I’d catch an illness in the mainstream, so my last few years of high school consisted of myself and about 4 other students, all but one of whom had severe retardation. So let’s just say I was a pretty lonely girl.
7. In college I was scared to death of not doing well. I had made straight A’s all of my life, but I was afraid that maybe that wouldn’t be good enough (considering the background) to get me through college. So instead of partying and developing friendships, I focused on grades. It paid off in that I graduated Cum Laude, but if I had to do it again, I definitely would have been more social.
8. (This one is for you Wendy.) When I was about 16, I was OBSESSED with professional wrestling. That’s right, your eyes aren’t playing tricks. There were some brothers in Texas named the Von Erichs, who wrestled, and I used to stay up until midnight every Saturday night, just to watch them, and once, they came to Jacksonville and my Dad took me and a friend, and I got to meet Kevin Von Erich, and he gave me his autograph. It is a great memory of my Dad and me but other than that, I’d just as soon forget that I liked wrestling.
9. I have a degree in fine arts with an emphasis in graphic design. I don’t remember deciding that I would major in art. I just knew I had to find a career that I might excel in despite my disability. I wish I had decided on law instead.
10. I actually considered majoring in Math, but the big “C” I eked out in college Algebra killed that aspiration.
11. I got scholarships all through college; so fortunately, I don’t have a lot of college loans to pay off.
12. I’m a crier. I don’t mean to be, but I just am. Sad movies, corny TV commercials, and sappy songs… any one of those can bring a tear to my eye. And the worst part is, I hate for people to see me cry. Once when I was teeny tiny, my mom asked me if I was crying, and I said, “no. It’s raining in my eyes.” I remember thinking she’d believe me.
13. I used to think that people could ward off tornadoes if they would all work together and put fans in their windows and doors (pointing outward) to cool down the air, since heat was always cited as the cause.
14. Once my brother caught a butterfly and it wouldn’t fly anymore, and I thought it was because he rubbed all of the butter off of it.
15. I’ve always been afraid of storms, but on March 1st several years ago, a friend’s husband was killed in a tornado. Oddly, since then I haven’t been as scared. I guess I feel that if she is strong enough to face it every time a storm comes up, after losing so much, who am I to be afraid?
16. Smokers make me angry. I have had pneumonia no less than 5 times in my life, and I can’t imagine what could possibly be worth risking the luxury of breathing easily.
17. My brother Rodney is someone I greatly admire, though I could never tell him. He had a rough childhood after my dad and his mom split, and he has been on his own since he was about 14. He took some time growing up, but now he is a great, hands on Dad to his kids, and a sweet and giving brother.
18. My sister Pam and I aren’t close at all and it makes me sad. We didn’t meet until I was 9 and she was 15, and at that time I worshiped her. She came to live with us right before Tim had major surgery, and was in the hospital 31 days. It was a tumultuous time because we nearly lost Tim, and my mom was at his side for the entire 31 days. Pam took care of me the whole time and I love her dearly. Unfortunately, she had issues of her own and ran away shortly thereafter, and we grew apart. I miss her.
19. I have had a friend named Michael Roetzel my entire life. I know he would do anything for me, and I for him. I’m embarrassed to admit that I played with Barbie dolls until I was 11 years old, but the thing that makes it better is that Michael played with me (with GI Joe of course) until then, which meant he was 13!
20. Michael’s children Scott, and Gracie call me Aunt Dana, and I can’t tell you the joy I get from them. His wife Melissa is now becoming like a sister too.
21. I can’t sing. I mean I can, but people don’t want to be around me when I do. In fact, there is a rule at my house that I can only sing with my door shut and the hair dryer going. Just one of the things I admire about Jennie McClain is her beautiful voice.
22. I like to play with numbers in my mind. Like on a digital clock, if it says 6:23, I’ll think about the fact that 2x3=6. Weird, huh?
23. I wear glasses. I have been wearing them since 7th grade. I’ve tried contacts about 4 times, and I always develop Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis. I want to try Gentle Molding, but my Dr. is conservative, so I doubt if he’ll go for it.
24. I’ve had 4 birthday parties in my life, and Wendy and Jennie threw all of them. Thank you guys.
25. One of my favorite things to do is sit outside on the deck and read. I’ve been there all day today.
26. I’ve owned 3 dogs and a cat in my life. My pets now are Teddie, and Miss Kitty. Teddie is a wild dog, but good at heart, and Miss Kitty is a sweetie.
27. Scrabble is my favorite game. I think I have a pretty good vocabulary, and playing Scrabble lets me exercise it.
28. I have a good friend named Diane Thomas. She says we are soul twins, and I think she is right. She is moving from Atlanta to Tulsa right now, and I’m so excited to have her closer. The last time I was seriously ill, Di spent hours at the hospital, just talking to me so I could forget about having trouble breathing, and just relax, which of course helped. She’s a doll.
29. If you ever want to win an argument with me, just give me the cold shoulder and I’ll crack. Really. Yell at me, curse at me, I don’t care, but don’t ignore me. I just hate that feeling.
30. When I was in high school, I belonged to Very Special Arts, which is an organization that pairs disabled people with professional artists. I was lucky enough to be paired with 2 artists who would come and show me different techniques, and let me experiment with a variety of media. That experience was invaluable.
31. Lance Armstrong is my favorite celebrity for obvious reasons. Matt Damon is a close second, again, for obvious reasons.
32. I am a really great aunt. I know this because my niece and nephews have told me often. I just love being around them.
33. I started reading Anna Karenina last summer, and haven’t finished yet. I don’t know why, but I think maybe because I haven’t been able to go outside and read much in the winter. I do like the book, so I don’t know what the problem is.
34. I started reading when I was 4. That is when I started kindergarten too.
35. I’ve never been on a date, but I have gotten 2 roses from boys before. The first boy, Craig, passed away several years ago, and the second, Sam, got fired from LA and left town.
36. When I was about 6, I was playing with Barbie and I told my mom that I wanted to have a wedding dress like Barbie’s when I grew up, and she got this serious look on her face and said, “you do know that nobody will want to marry you, right?” I know she was trying to be realistic, and keep me from being disappointed, but I wish she could have been a little more positive.
37. Sometimes I still secretly dream that there is a guy out there who could love me despite everything… I know that is just fantasy, but other disabled people get married. Heck, I don’t even want to get married. I just wish I could’ve dated once or twice.
38. I ride public transportation. Trust me, you’ll be hearing more about that in future blogs.
39. I have a pet peeve about able-bodied people jumping in front of me to get on an elevator. I know that sounds bad, but c’mon, if ya HAD to use the elevator would ya be so eager?
40. If I could drive, any car it would be a mini-cooper. I think they are SO cute.
41. I hate speaking in public, but I CAN do it. I’ve actually spoken in front of a ballroom full of people before. I have this ability to tell myself that whatever happens it is just a tiny fraction of my life, and people won’t remember it tomorrow.
42. I know a little Spanish, and I am about to try to become familiar with that language again. It comes pretty naturally to me.
43. I’ve never had a cavity.
44. I might have a slight bit of ADD. I can’t work and listen to music at the same time, or I’ll lose focus, and I tend to have to finish something completely before I move on to something else. Are those signs?
45. I did production work on the first computer-generated publication for Leisure Arts.
46. I’ve ridden a horse before. Well actually I just sat on the horse, but it was still a great feeling.
47. We used to have to go to Warm Springs Georgia every 4 months when I was a child. We went there because of the Roosevelt Foundations Polio Clinic; they were the best in the country at making crutches and leg braces etc.
48. I LOVE to blow bubbles. Now that Michael’s little boy, Scott, is old enough, I use him as an excuse to blow bubbles. I’ll be sad when he out grows it, but by then, Gracie will be in to it. I hope.
49. Brent Miller gave me my first book of poetry. It was by Sylvia Plath, and I still have it. He also introduced me to Cummings, Bukowski, and Winterson to name a few.
50. I don’t like the smell of beer, but I do like some alcoholic beverages. I don’t however, enjoy Wendy’s favorite, the Dirty Martini. Someone bought one for me before and I gave it to Di’s husband Rik. I told him it tasted like an armpit.
51. I once wrote a letter to the editor of the Democrat, and it was published.
52. I can’t buy a tan. Literally. The spray on stuff washes off, and I’m currently trying a sun lamp, but am not very hopeful.
53. I have short hair. I’ve had short hair off and on since I was 4. My mom says that I was quiet and meek until I got my hair cut off. I guess she thinks I’m loud now J
54. My least favorite word is “soon”
55. My most favorite word is “friend.”
56. My first concert was 2 years ago. I took Rodney to see Rod Stewart.
57. My last concert was John Mayer.
58. I love to watch stage shows. I’ve seen Stomp! (Twice,) 42nd street, Cats, Grease, Les Miserables, Chicago, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella and Gypsy. I want to see Rent, and Cabaret.
59. If I could travel abroad, I would go to Greece, or Rome.
60. I used to want to be an archaeologist.
61. I won an award for a paper I wrote about Renaissance Artist, Lorenzo Lotto.
62. I am currently using my 7th wheelchair.
63. I believe that Macintosh’s are better than PC’s any day. It’s just a way of thinking. Macs are logical, common sense to me.
64. My parent’s are the BEST. They would do and have done anything in the world for me. I am alive because of them (well, I mean in a greater sense than them having given life to me.)
65. I am scared of Sushi. I find all seafood stinky and I’m afraid Sushi would be even worse.
66. I used to embroider when I was in the first and second grade.
67. My favorite Grandma (the only living grandparent I had from about age 9 to about age 30) once told my mom. “I finally figured out what I don’t like about Dana, and it is all the things I don’t like about myself.” It was a back handed compliment in that she was saying we were just alike, but whew, what a thing to say?!
68. I wish I had auburn hair.
69. I had bright green eyes until I was about 6, and then they changed to hazel.
70. I am afraid of most insects. I know they won’t hurt me, but I just can’t stand their squishy, antennae sporting bodies.
71. I love giving gifts. I think that is bad because I’m probably giving the gift for my own pleasure as much as the recipient’s, and I don’t think that is the way it is supposed to be.
72. Irises are my favorite flower.
73. I am right now chubbier and healthier than I have ever been in my life. I have actually gotten too big for all of my size 0 clothes, and can wear sizes 1, 2, and even 4 on some occasions.
74. I am actually a little over 5’ tall; you just can’t tell because I’m always seated.
75. I am not the shortest person in the family, my sister is only 4’ 11.”
76. I love sleeping. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; I require 10 hours of sleep and would enjoy more, but I feel it’s wrong to sleep when you could be doing anything else.
77. I belong to a Bunco group and I LOVE it. I’ve never been part of a big group of girls like that and it’s just fun!
78. I have been in the hospital over 11 times, and I used to not want visitors at all, but I’m learning it is ok to let people in.
79. I have a recurring dream that all of my teeth just fall out, and then I get very embarrassed and they start to grow back.
80. I will not call in sick to work unless I really am sick, and I have about 2 months worth of sick time saved up because of this.
81. One time when I was about 12 (I remember it being shortly after the spinal surgery I had when I was 11) a kid was pushing me in my chair down a hill, and I thought he was going too fast, and I told him to slow down but he didn’t so I turned around to see him standing yards back. His hands were slippery and he accidentally let go, so when I turned back around it was just in time to see the tree that I was about to hit. Luckily, all I got from that was a gash in my eyebrow (I still have the scar) and about 3 stitches.
82. I have noticed that I say, “bless your heart” way too often. I’m working on that.
83. I’ve also noticed that I wink sometimes when I smile. I really need to stop that too.
84. I could never sit on a jury where there was a possibility of a death sentence verdict. I fear it would pray on me forever.
85. I am terrible at geography, and I am not even good at navigating around my own town.
86. I love reality shows. I’m not proud of it, but it is true. I especially like the Real World, which I think never gets enough credit for starting it all.
87. I have never been in an auto accident, but once on the school bus, the driver stopped too suddenly and my chair flipped over. It warped my wheel and gave me a black eye. The school board bought me a new wheel.
88. I think dandelions are flowers, not weeds.
89. I’m not close to any of my 1st cousins, but I have some distant cousins who are my age who live in Missouri and come to visit often. They are great.
90. I refer to Missouri on most occasions as “misery” because we would go there to visit my grandma who lived on a farm, and the mosquitoes were like birds.
91. I have been known to eat 5 bowls of homemade ice cream in one sitting. I love it so much that I don’t even care that I’m generally Lactose intolerant.
92. I used to love to watch Land of the Lost on Saturday mornings, but the Sleestaks (sp) grossed me out. Funny thing is I thought it was so real looking and I’ve seen clips of it lately and it was just hokey. Black and white footage mixed with color… just so fake.
93. I am of the philosophy that people should automatically receive my respect, but I think that if I were of the philosophy that people should earn my respect, I’d be better off.
94. I love paper. Nothing is better than a brand new pad of drawing paper.
95. I have freckles.
96. I love to watch the Tour de France, and I am happy that Lance will ride again.
97. I voted this year for the very first time. I’m ashamed that it was the first time, but proud that I finally did it.
98. I most often evaluate food based on texture rather than taste.
99. I smile a lot.
100. I used to want a tattoo, but now I know that it would disappoint my Dad too much and I couldn’t stand that.