Wednesday, June 11, 2008

5 good things

Because a good friend, and one of the people I admire most posted a list of 5 good things, and because it hit me that no matter how bad you feel about things, there are at least 5 good things, I've decided to break my trend of not posting:

1. My family - My parents, siblings, nephews and niece.

2. My friends - The people who know that the times you aren't real fun to be around won't last forever, and let you know it too. You know who you are.

3. Big shiny new Macs.

4. Sunshine.

5. Modern technology.


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Jennie said...

Those ARE all good things...

At 7:14 AM, Blogger rebstar said...

i love this list. :)
i'm glad you decided to break your trend! :)


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