Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Long Road

Last Sunday I had an experience that is still troubling me. I was shopping with my Mom, Melissa, Baby Grace, and Joyce at Dillard’s. We were just leaving the little girl’s department where we had been trying to find some new clothes for Grace, when some lady came up to my mom and asked if she could pray for her daughter (that would be me). My mom said she should ask me, and I said sure. See, I thought she was going to go home and pray for me, but no. She proceded to put her hands on me, in the middle of Dillard’s mind you, and asked the Lord to “MAKE THIS POOR CHILD NORMAL”. She quoted part of the bible that says if a believer lays their hands on the sick, they will be healed.

I feel a bit like a heathen, but I was MORTIFIED. I guess my biggest problem with this was that I know if anyone is a BELIEVER, it is my mother, and she lays her loving hands on me every day, so for this lady to think that she believed more than my loved ones… well, it seemed self indulgent to say the least. And I will be the first to admit that I have taken the long road towards finding my Faith, but I have reached a point where I DO believe in Christ, and I feel confused now because I wonder if I am wrong to feel as I do about her, but to me Faith and Religion are very personal issues. Maybe I’m just irritated because she used the term “normal”… doesn’t she know how many years I wished/prayed for that before I realized that I am just the way God wanted me to be?


At 7:32 AM, Blogger wiebke said...

oh. my. gosh.
I would have been mortified along with you. FIRST of all, how incredibly insenstive and self-righteous of her to ask God for you to be "normal". You are NOT abnormal. Ugh! I don't know what I would have said to her if I had been there... SECOND of all, I cannot BELIEVE she touched you! Did she think that by making a scene in Dillard's so that everyone could see her "praying for you" that she would be rewarded in some way??? I don't like it at all. It is Christians like THAT, that turn non-Christians off in the first place.

At 8:07 AM, Blogger Crystal said...

Who is she to say you aren't normal? I can't even begin to think of all the nastiness I would have wanted to "bless" her with. I wholeheartedly agree with Wiebke and jeb, and you handled it very well and you are so entitled to feeling a little disturbed. She's the one that ought to be feeling abnormal with her nasty assumptions! Taking a perfectly wonderful day and trying to ruin it, all in the name of faith.

At 6:20 PM, Blogger danarv said...

Thank you all for your suppotive comments. I guess the thing that made me feel worst was the awful things it made me think about her. That afternoon I kept wondering what would happen if I met up with her and asked her if her healing had a time frame 'cause I didn't feel any change yet.

You all are what I think of when I think of Christians, and your kindness is the best illustration of Devinity (to use Citizen D's terminology) that I could ever imagine.

I love you all :)

At 2:15 PM, Blogger rebstar said...

words are not enough to express how angry this makes me...NO, you are not wrong to feel that way about that terrible woman.


i mean, did she get to finish her prayer? because she wouldn't have if i would have been there.

YUCK. :(

okay, i just read everyone else's comments after writing mine (i always wait to do that)...and here i am in my office, on the edge of my seat about to give a literal standing ovation to jennie, wendy, david, julie and ESPECIALLY J for their poignant, pretty-close-to-perfect words. wow.

dana, i love you.
(as a side note, it was so wonderful to see you last night...i have really missed you!)

At 8:31 PM, Blogger Meltonworks said...

ok. I finally started a blog. yep.



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