Monday, May 30, 2005


Well, I promised that I’d post this weekend, but due to the rain, my weekend was pretty uneventful. So in lieu of an exciting account of my weekend, I’m adding 5 more things about me (what an ego I must have!) I hope you enjoy:

1. When I was a kid, my Mom always said, “when you say something, it’s like a promise,” so I try to live like that, and never tell someone I will do something if I’m not sure I will.

2. I don’t buy it when people say, “I’m just too busy” when referring to spending time with friends… people have exactly enough time for the things that really matter to them.

3. I’m getting tan!!! I know I said I couldn’t, but I am for the first time ever, not pale!

4. I get depressed when it rains for very many days in a row. I NEED the sun.

5. I wish that I had more patience.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


This is just a quick post to say hello and tell everyone I'm sorry I have been such a blog slacker. I feared that I would be sporadic at best. I do intend to post something this weekend. Until then, I hope you all have a happy Memorial Day.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Beginner's Luck

I guess when I posted the first pic with Flikr, I was lucky, because I can't get it to work, but below are pictures from Scott's Bday. I love him and his family so! Oh, and my mom made the cake and was embarrassed, but I think it is cute. :)

Scott's BDay

Scott's BDay

Scott's BDay

Scott's BDay

Scott's BDay

Scott's BDay

Scott's BDay

Scott's BDay

Scott's BDay

Scott's BDay

Sunday, May 01, 2005

No Voice

In my 100 things about me list, I mentioned that I ride public transportation and I promised more about that. I knew there would be more because in the 11 years I have been riding Links (a PARAtransit service for disabled, or ill people) there has been at least 1 incident per every 6 months. This is the latest.

I should mention first that I have to be really careful about contracting any communicable diseases because of my health and that of my brother. Sometimes it's difficult because people don't understand how serious even a cold can be, but I've gotten somewhat used to being assertive when it comes to my health. So when the Links driver showed up last week and told me he had no voice, I politely asked if he was contagious, and he whispered, "no, it's just the pollen." Somewhat skeptical, but really without much choice as I had no other transportation to work that day, I boarded the bus. It was then that the driver squeaked out vehemently, "besides, I aint gonna be touching you anyway- do you want to not ride?" and I said, "well we will be breathing the same air, but I have to ride. I just think in your profession, you might consider not coming to work if you are sick..." before I could explain why I held this position, or mention that he transports people on dialysis or chemo therapy and those people don't need to be exposed either, I was interupted with, "I just think you need to mind your own business." To which I said, "there's really no need to be rude," and then he said, "I'm sure you'd keep plenty busy if you minded your own business." And we rode in silence for the 15 minutes until we reached my work place.

It makes me a little sad as I really didn't mean to offend him, and we had gotten along well always before, but c'mon... is it really so much to ask that someone be a little concerned about the people around him? And was it really that offensive?! Not to mention the fact that I'd bet 10 to 1 that he was on a antihistimine for the "pollen" and shouldn't have been driving mass transit anyway.

I would appreciate comments on this blog... maybe you all can give me a different perspective.