Sunday, June 19, 2005

My Sister's Visit

Hi, this is just a short note to tell about my Sister's visit this weekend. We had a great time, and it was good to see Pam (below)

and her twin boys Zack, and Nick (below) as well as David her husband of whom I failed to get a good photo.

Wide Open

Those of you who know me well know what an emotional person I am, but believe it or not, I used to be even more so. I remember when I was a kid always making cards for people, even my older brothers who were mortified, telling them how much I loved them; sometimes even in the form of a rhyme. Funny when we're young we have no inhibitions about loving wide open.

Like many people I find myself becoming a little embarassed when I try to tell someone how much they mean to me, or when someone tells me the same, but I just think the alternative, to miss the chance to tell someone how important they are to you is so much worse.

It is to that end that I am writing this post. I was recently priviledged to go on a trip to Memphis with Wendy, Jennie, Melissa, and my Mom and one of her friends. In itself, a trip to Memphis is barely significant, but spending 3 days with these people was monumental to me. I seriously cannot say how much this trip, this time with these 5 women meant to me. Wendy, Jennie, and Melissa thank you. It was just Memphis, I know, but it was also about the freedom and possibility to travel places that I had almost given up on. I love you all for making it happen.

Monday, June 06, 2005

equal time

Originally uploaded by danarv.

Well, I posted all of Scott's BDay pics, and little sister Gracie demanded equal time. I'm starting with the cake. Yes, it looks like it has a runny nose, but my Mom made it with love!

Birthday Girl

Originally uploaded by danarv.

Here is the pretty birthday queen modeling her new dress, and the bracelet I gave her. Of course, she liked the box best. :)

Big Brother, Little Sister

Originally uploaded by danarv.

Here are Scott and Gracie cheesing it up... what fun we had!

Stephanie H. has a blog!!

I promised Stephanie that I would tell everyone that she is joining in the blog fun! Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to link to a word yet, so I'm just gonna give you the name of her site and let you do the work :) It is
