Sunday, July 24, 2005


Well, he’s done it again, and it was no surprise, but I am as excited as I was 7 years ago, when I first watched Lance Armstrong roll into Paris, and the history books. I am actually feeling a little teary-eyed after watching today’s final stage of the Tour. Seeing Lance all smiles, riding at various times, with interlocked hands, alongside various competitors and teammates and knowing that next year he will not compete made me admittedly a little sad. I mean sure, there will be another winner, and another story, but I think it will be quite sometime before an athlete with the ability to touch so many lives emerges.

I rarely go on about celebrities, and from the sound of things, you might think I idolize Mr. Armstrong, but that isn’t really accurate. I think it is better to say that I am inspired by him. True, I wear one of those fashionable armbands (livestrong, they say) but not because I’m following the masses, or because I think he’s really cool, or even because a treasured friend gave it to me. I wear it as a person who knows what it’s like to have the odds stacked against you, to fight daily to overcome challenges, and to succeed. Often, when I’m having a bad day, or am feeling especially tired, I glance down at my arm and see the now famous mantra, and things look a little less daunting. Afterall, if Lance can defeat cancer, if he can conquer golf ball sized tumors in his stomach, lungs, and brain, who am I to let a little thing like SMA define me?

I saw Lance on an interview today, and I think he was speaking to cynics and people who accuse him of doping (I won’t even go there) when he said something to the effect of “I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles. But this is a hell of a race…” Well, I can’t imagine one person who has ever watched him ride NOT believing in miracles; I know when I watch, I think anything is possible.


Sunday, July 17, 2005

Diane has a blog!

Many of you have heard me speak of my friend Diane. She is a great person and I love her dearly. Now, you guys have the chance to know her a little too, because she started her own blog. It is Stop by and check it out :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I've been tagged!

Thanks Jennie :) I still intend to do the gift list too, I just haven’t had a chance yet. I’m halfway there though.

10 years ago: I had been working at Leisure Arts 2 years. I doubt if I had become disenchanted with it yet, but surely I was on my way! I was 25! Whew! I feel so old sometimes.

5 years ago: I remember that year mostly because I had been VERY ill that winter (spent 10 days in the hospital over Christmas.) I probably spent most of the spring recovering… I remember that I had had to take so many steroids while I was sick that I developed “steroidal acne” and it was just awful because it took 6 months to go away. I had always been lucky with the zits ‘til then.

1 year ago: I was in 11th year at Leisure Arts and I know for certain that I had become disenchanted by then. I also joined a Bunco group that year and it has been SO much fun!

Yesterday: I had a bad day yesterday. I started out with the intention of helping someone, and it turned out that my eagerness to help came across as being pushy, and not helpful at all. Sometimes I know I try too hard to be a good friend, but it really is important to me.

Today: I had a good day. I went to work as usual, but when I came home, Gracie was waiting for me, and she can definitely make me forget everything. She is such a sweet baby. Now I’m working on a Make-A-Wish stuff, and that always makes me feel proud.

Tomorrow: I will finish the MAW work, and go to my real job. Just another day.

5 snacks I enjoy: Peanut Butter M&Ms, Reeses PBC, Ice cream, KC Masterpiece flavored Lays, Cheese

5 bands whose songs I know most of the lyrics to: this one is a little embarrassing because I know words to these band’s lyrics mainly because they are what my brother listened to over and over again as I was growing up: REO Speedwagon, Journey, Bon Jovi. My own likes are Natalie Merchant and Elton John.

5 things I would do with $100,000,000: Buy my parents a house, send my brother on a trip to see the Indian reservations, buy myself a car I could drive, hire a handsome driver in case I couldn’t, create a trust for my nephews and niece.

5 locations I'd like to run away to: New York, Greece, Italy, Spain, Hawaii

5 bad habits I have: being impatient, worrying too much, being too emotional, being disorganized, taking life too seriously

5 things I like doing: Being with my friends, reading, painting, blowing bubbles with Scott, sleeping (I’m really tired right now).

5 things I would never wear: Thongs (the underwear, not the shoes), a bikini, a halter top, double knit polyester like from the 70’s, false eyelashes

5 TV shows I like: The Real World, Blowout, Friends, Lance Chronicles, Lost

5 movies I like: The Wizard of Oz, Theory of Flight, Love Actually, Beauty and the Beast, Knotting Hill

5 famous people I'd like to meet: Oprah, Lance Armstrong, Peter Jennings (I’m so sorry he’s sick), Matt Damon, Natalie Merchant

5 biggest joys at the moment: Scott and Gracie, My friends (you know who you are), sitting on the deck in the evening and morning, Bunco, homemade icecream

5 favorite toys: my new headphones, computer, camera, new art desk, art supplies

5 people to tag: I think Jennie tagged most of the people I know who blog, but I would ad my friend Di to the list.