Sunday, May 28, 2006

And that's the ABC's of Me. (Isn't that a line from a movie?)

Accent: Probably, but I hate to admit it.

Bible Book that I like: I'll have to decide that later; I'm slowly working my way through it, and not sure yet which is my favorite.

Chore that I don't care for: I hate ANY paperwork. Yes, Jennie and Kathy, that does include taxes. Sorry :)

Dog or Cat: Dog and Cat.

Essential Electronics: Computer or Hairdryer.

Favorite Cologne: Intuition or something by Estée Lauder.

Gold or Silver: Silver.

Handbag I Carry most often: A beaded one from Diane.

Insomnia: Yes, every so often.

Job Title: Senior Publications Designer for Special Projects.

Kids: No :(

Last Movie Watched: Friends with Money. Don't take your mother.

Most Admirable Trait: I am nothing if not resilient.

Naughtiest childhood behavior: Smart mouthing my mother.

Overnight hospital stays: Hmmm. I think 11 or 12.

Phobias: Drowning, or someone breaking in.

Quote: I like a quote that says, "It is by chance that we have met, by choice that we are friends." It is kinda corny (like me) and I don't know who said it.

Religion: I like Jennie's definition.

Siblings: Yes. 2 brothers and a sister, and Michael.

Time I wake up: 8:30.

Unusual Talent or skill: I can remember complete conversations from years ago.

Vegetable I refuse to eat: Spinach from a can.

Worst habit: Worrying.

X-rays: Ummm, I'd say I'm close to 100 on that.

Yummy stuff I cook: I'm glad I don't cook, because if I did, I think I'd never eat!

Zoo animal I like most: I love giraffes.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Love/Despise... what's the difference?

I haven't posted anything in a while and thought the least that I could do was a list :)

Words I despise:

Sounds I despise:
any squirt
forced burps
cotton dragged across something

Foods I despise:
raw carrots

People I despise:

Celebrities I despise:
Alyssa Milano
Brittany Spears
Pamela Anderson

Cars I despise:
I really have no reason to despise any car - I got no beef with them!

Words I love:

Sounds I love:
the "new mail" sound on my computer
the burglar alarm setup confirmation

Foods I love:
KC Masterpiece Lays

People I love:
my friends
my family
generous people (and I don't mean material generosity)

Animals I love:

Celebrities I love:
Lance Armstrong
Matt Damon
David Bazzel (well, ya knew it was coming)

Chores I love:
Chores? What chores? :)

Car I love:
Vans (for obvious reasons)
MG Midgets

Music I love:
I know it's corny, but whenever I hear "you are my sunshine" I cry. I noticed this when I was teaching it to Scott, and welled up. One day I'll explain why.
Elton John

Sunday, May 07, 2006

city of angels

I've been wanting to post for a while, but haven't figured out how to articulate what I'm feeling without being sappy. I am going to give it a shot now because it is important me. So bear with me:

I have recently been lucky enough to be involved somewhat in the events leading up to Jennie's and J's wedding, and eventually the wedding itself. During this time (not JUST during this time, but this time has illustrated it more clearly to me) I have been blown over by the kindness and consideration of the people in the circle of friends originating in Batesville. Those of you know me, or at least those of you who have read the hundred things about me, know that I did not have a lot of friends growing up because I was pretty isolated. And I'm not whining about that; I'm just pointing out how new it is to me that because of these people, I can actually go someplace and not have to worry about whether it is going to be accessible, whether someone will help me find the ramp, whether someone will help me cut my food, whether l'll be able to participate in the activities, whether I'll feel included, or even how I'll get there, because I know that my friends are looking out for me. All of that gives me a feeling of security and confidence that I have never felt before, and I believe it is helping me become a stronger person. I can feel it happening.

So all of you of whom I speak know who you are and you should feel so proud for the people- for the friends- that you are! I can trace about 90% of the great things that've happened to me in the last several years to one specific moment and that is when Wendy Willets had the misfortune :) of walking into Leisure Arts. Her bad luck turned out to be my good luck, because from then on, I have been surrounded by angels on earth.
